HDP delegation meeting with Council of Europe officials in Strasbourg.

The HDP delegation has continued its series of talks in Strasbourg where they met Council of Europe officials.
0,,19338570_404,00Selahattin Demirtas, co-president of the People’s Democratic Party, the HDP deputy for Şırnak Leyla Birlik, the HDP deputy for Bingöl HDP Hişyar Özsöy, the european representative of the HDP in Europe Eyyup Doru and Faik Yağızay had a first meeting with Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks during which lifting of immunity of deputies and worsening situation in Turkey were discussed. The delegation denounced the burned and destroyed kurdish cities, the journalists arrested, dismissed from their jobs or murdered, the closing down of newspapers, the prosecutions of academics and artists and the heavy police violence against demonstrators.

The delegation stressed the fact that Europe needs to take a more interventionalist and initiative-taking position and must not remain silent on issues of human rights.

The second meeting was held with the Council of Europe’s Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland where the removal of immunity and the government’s unlawfull and disastrous attitude towards People’s Democratic Party members were highlighted.
The delegation urged Europe not to stay silent on human rights violations and to take the initiative regarding the failed peace process between the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, saying pressure needs to be increased for a return to the negotiation table, which the HDP has the power to engage despite continually facing barriers the delegation concluded.